I Didn’t Want To Like Supergoop Sunscreen At All - But I’m In Love

Aimee LaFon

Aimee LaFon

Dec 2, 2022

Dec 2, 2022

I’m one of those people who rarely wear sunscreen – but as I’m getting older, I’m starting to regret not protecting my skin. 

After endless hours of staring at blaring blue-lit screens during work only to spend my days off basking in the sun like a cold-blooded reptile, a realization hit me. Since I never wear sunscreen, I’ll probably be one of the five Americans who will have skin cancer by age 70. I knew then and there that I needed to give this overexposure a rest or start looking for some SPF. 

The process that led me to Supergoop wasn’t so smooth, though. You see, I’m pretty picky. 

I’ve had horrible allergic reactions to sunscreens before and hate the smell and white cast of sunscreen.  Plus, I’ve just learned to control and prevent my breakouts for the first time ever. I didn’t want some chemical-scented, pasty, acidic oil to mess that up and leave me with a burning red rash and pimples. 

However, while searching for the perfect SPF, I finally found one that met my criteria: Supergoop

Supergoop seemed too good to be true with its notoriously reef-friendly formula, transparent matte coverage, allergen-free ingredient list, and scent-free recipe. But it isn’t too good to be true – it’s honestly just that great. 

Why, you ask, is it better than the rest? Well, let’s talk about it.

1. The Unseen Benefits of Supergoop

Supergoop’s Unseen Sunscreen is their most popular product. After wearing it every day, I can see why.

It leaves no white pigmentation and has a stunning cast-free finish that gives me a natural and subdued glow. With no oils or cakey minerals on the ingredient list, it applies more like a transparent makeup primer than a sunscreen.

The texture is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. It looks like lip balm or vaseline before you apply it, but as you rub it in, it feels like a very light powder. That light-feeling coverage makes sense considering that Supergoop includes avobenzone and homosalate, both of which dissolve in oil. These ingredients combine with natural face oils to even out your complexion. 

And, Supergoop works great with cosmetics!

This sunscreen performs better than any of my other primers, and my foundation went over it super well, giving me even fuller coverage than expected. Simply loved how Supergoop worked with my concealer. It made my concealer a lot easier to blend out and got rid of those annoying unblendable patches that can happen. 

The smell? Scentless! Even if you’re sensitive to natural and synthetic fragrances like me, Unseen Sunscreen will keep you feeling refreshed, clean, and clear – with no side effects!

2. Supergoop’s Sustainability

A lot of sunscreens can be bad for the environment. 

Common ingredients like oxybenzone, benzophenone, and titanium dioxide are what do the real damage. They can harm coral reefs, stunt algae growth, and cause deformities in creatures like mussels, fish, and dolphins.

So, if you care about the ocean and its animals (like me), stick with Supergoop!

3. Supergoop’s Brand is Pretty Admirable

Photograph: Supergoop

Skincare isn’t just about self-care. It also has to stand for a good cause – otherwise, I’m not going to invest in it. And, at the end of the day, that’s precisely where Supergoop stands out most. 

Supergoop isn’t some capitalist megacorp looking to take all your money. It’s a woman-owned business that the founder started because she wanted to donate sunscreen to schools and prevent skin cancer.  

As Supergoop expands its product lists, they create options for everyone. Whether you are a daily makeup-wearer, athlete, traveler, parent – or anything else in between – Supergoop eliminates any excuse you’ve ever had not to wear sunscreen. In doing so, they always put their customers’ health and happiness first. 

As they grow, innovation has become the norm for Supergoop. They have taken the sunscreen and cosmetics industry by storm and delivered on their mission of increasing skin cancer awareness among people of all ages. 

With a cause like that and products that are some of the safest, most user-friendly sunscreens on the market, it’s not hard to see why Supergoop is super good.  ‍

If you want to step into the sunshine with no reservations, no matter what you believe in most, Supergoop has you covered.

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